“Chart the course for the rest of your life. Give your all to bring the world to Christ.” That inspiration set Bill and Donna Bradt on the path to founding the Mary and Mercy Center. The motivation for that inspiration was Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC’s books, The Second Greatest Story Ever Told and 33 Days to Morning Glory and subsequent attendance at numerous retreats. The key element spurring them on the path to 24/7 commitment - “Now is the time of mercy.”
The Greatest Story Ever Told is the story of salvation history. It’s the story of God’s great love for humanity from the beginning of time. His love which kept pouring out from His heart, His love which kept calling people to Himself despite their repeated sins and rejection of His love. This love that in the fullness of time gave His only Son to live, suffer, die, and rise for us so that we might live forever with Him.
In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told Fr. Gaitley weaves together the modern events which show forth God’s particular calling and love for us today. God is still pouring out His love despite the atrocious sins and destruction of modern times. In fact, in this time of great evil where so many people are hurting, God is pouring out even greater graces. This is the time of mercy. The time when God is aching to pour forth His abundant, merciful love to heal, renew, and refresh each person. Throughout modern history He has shown that the way He wants to bestow this love is through Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy. These are the two great heavenly tools given for restoring humanity to Christ.
This is what burned in the hearts of Bill and Donna, the desire to bring people to the merciful heart of Christ. This is why they started the Mary and Mercy Center – to bring people to Christ through His Blessed Mother; the surest, quickest, and easiest way. Now, three years later, the Center is a state-of-the-art learning facility spreading the good news of the Gospel to all ages, to Ave Maria residents, to university students, to neighboring communities, and across the country.
Since the Center’s inception hundreds of people have benefited from the ongoing faith studies held at the center or in resident’s homes. “I am a recent convert from a Pentecostal background and was very ignorant of My Blessed Mother, yet very close to the Holy Spirit,” Terry Wortz explained. “Through the mission of the Mary & Mercy Center, I have been freed from the false teachings of my Protestant years. I never knew I had a Mother, that she was the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and all of the changes in my life were from Him through Her. I am now consecrated to Jesus through her intercession in the Pentecostal power of the Holy Spirit.”
At the heart of the studies are profound, yet easy to understand presentations of the Faith which help participants to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ, no matter what point they are at in their spiritual life. Communal prayer and small group discussions serve to inspire, encourage, and bolster the faith of those attending the studies. “Hearts A Fire” from the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and other programs are “designed to set our hearts on fire with love of God and neighbor and to inspire us to works of mercy in our families, parishes, and communities.” A range of Biblical, spiritual, and theological topics help to solidify all aspects of a participant’s faith life.
Through this formation the joy of the Gospel burns within people’s hearts. Many people feel called to concretely live this spirituality in their lives by joining the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy. As in any aspect of life – financial, physical, travel, etc. - a person needs to know what their goal is and have a plan for achieving it or else they will accomplish nothing. So, the same holds true for the life of faith. The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy provide the lay faithful (those not ordained) with a spirituality, identity, and mission. It lays out the spiritual goal and the plan to achieve it. They aim to win the whole world for God as quickly as possible through the two powerful spiritual weapons of Divine Mercy and Marian consecration. Having three different levels to the organization, there is room for everyone.
In Ave Maria, Marian Missionaries meet once a week in small groups and join in a large group meeting once a semester. Often these groups are formed based on the strong bonds created through the formation studies. As a small faith community, they bring the joy of the Gospel to others through a particular work of mercy. Knowing the urgency of this time of mercy, many Marian Missionaries help run the studies. Others help lead people to these fountains of grace, to Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy.
Marsanne Reid, an MMDM and study facilitator, explains what the Center has meant to her and her spiritual growth. The Center has met “my need for formation and fellowship. Having the messages of Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy powerfully presented has kept my heart on fire!”
Through encouraging works of mercy, the Center helps participants fulfill Christ’s commission. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12) Opportunities abound to bring God’s mercy to others. From helping the poor, to visiting the sick or imprisoned, to evangelizing; there are always people to touch. However, the Center helps participants to first focus on something closer, something that everyone can do every day. That is to extend mercy to those we meet daily. Works of mercy are done in three main ways: word, deed, and prayer. Every true work of mercy flows from the merciful outlook.
The gaze of God is what the merciful outlook is all about. God knows the potential for greatness which He has placed in each person. He sees their inherent dignity and all that He made them to be. By practicing the merciful outlook, a person looks at others with this look of God. It is a look which inspires people to their best. When a person acquires the merciful outlook, this gaze becomes the lens through which they see others. With this gaze of respect and awe towards others, mercy in other areas will flow as well.
The most recent addition to the Mary and Mercy Center is “Mercy Through Mary”, the Center’s national young adult outreach. Spearheaded by a group of passionate Ave Maria University students, Mercy Through Mary has mobilized thousands of young adults at hundreds of locations around the country. Dedicated to helping the rising generations to live Marian and love mercifully, their goal is to bring the whole world to Christ under the generalship of Mary Immaculate.
Through their programs and retreats young people are being set on fire for Christ. “After being exposed to Fr. Gaitley’s spirituality through this young adult program, my spiritual life was transformed.” explained one student. “My eyes were opened to the depth of Divine Mercy and I felt filled with optimism, rather than despair. I feel closer to God than ever before, and that is thanks to the knowledge and enlightenment I received from this program.”
A concentrated effort is also underway to reach the large Hispanic community in South Florida. Materials are being translated into Spanish. Several Spanish study groups have started at the Center. Groups in Immokalee as well as at St. Agnes in Naples are also being organized.
Currently Dr. Mark Miravelle is giving a weekly series of talks on Mary. As a world renowned Mariologist, he has spent his life studying the Biblical, historical, and spiritual teachings about the Blessed Mother. As the Blessed Trinity freely chose to use her to bring Jesus to the world, He chooses to continue to use her to bring the world to Jesus. Just as every Christian is called to “Go make disciples.” (Mt. 28:19), Mary as the physical Mother of Christ and the spiritual mother of everyone, has a special role in leading her Son’s followers. As she said at the wedding feast of Cana, she helps us to “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5)
Christ is calling each of us to be a part of the ongoing second greatest story, to be a part of bringing His unfathomable Divine Mercy to the world. His heart burns with the desire for all to be saved. He desires to set our hearts on fire with that same amazing love. Contact the Center or stop in to see how you can join in the mission of bringing Christ to the world!
Feel free to contact the Mary and Mercy Center at 239-658-5077 or by email at info(at)maryandmercycenter.org. To read more about the Center or to see a current calender of events visit:
Mary and Mercy Center - Website